Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ (PHE ONWJ) is moving high gear to set the direction of its future growth as a forward – driven multinational energy company.

A one of the leading assets in Pertamina, we are currently seeking PROFESSIONALS to join us and share us our values – The unwavering commitment to deliver improved quality and reliability.
The vacant positions are:
- Drilling Supervisor (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 16/01/2012
- Commercial Analyst (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date:16/01/2012
- Cost & Reporting Analyst (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 16/01/2012
- Marketing Analyst (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 16/01/2012
- Environment Specialist (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date:16/01/2012
- Inventory Supervisor (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date:16/01/2012
- Workover Supervisor (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 16/01/2012
- Field Crane and Lifting Engineer (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 16/01/2012
- Safety Engineer (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 17/01/2012
- Specialist Bidding & Contract (PHE WMO) Expired Date: 03/02/2012
- Sr. Engineer Production (PHE WMO) Expired Date: 03/02/2012
- Field Construction Lead (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 17/01/2012
- Re-Certification Engineer (PHE ONWJ) Expired Date: 19/01/2012
For for detail information and on-line registration, please visit to: