Kawan Lama had been participating as a trusted business partner which provided almost all industrial needs for tools, machinery, and industrial equipment. The commitment of which was applied by establishing a 5-hectares Distribution Center in Cikupa, Tangerang in 2006. By more closely servicing the customers, the company has established a number of branch offices in major industrial cities and keeps exploring the potentials of other regions throughout Indonesia.By now, after more than a half century of Kawan Lama’s participation in the business, a new successful step has been taken: a professional management supported with the most complete modern facilities to provide the customers with solutions. This will keep inspiring Kawan Lama in a non-stopping dynamics, in giving the best service, and in always being the leader in giving the solutions for the industrial needs to become a World-Class Company.
Supply Chain Officer
- Male, min Bachelor Degree in Supply Chain Management or Engineering, with max. 30 years old
- Mininum 2 years experience in logistic management
- Understanding of inventory fundamental and logistic processess
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- Proficient in MS Office
- Willing to be stationed in Cikarang
Online Application : Jobstreet.com
Project Officer
(Di Luar Kota)
(Di Luar Kota)
- Pria
- Maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimal S1 Teknik Sipil/ Arsitektur
- Fresh graduate welcome
- Memahami proses penghitungan penggunaan bahan dan barang-barang kebutuhan project
- Bersedia untuk bertugas di luar kota.
Online Application : Jobstreet.com
Web Developer
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
- Pria/Wanita
- Mahir bahasa programming: PHP, Java.
- Dapat menggunakan aplikasi pengolah image, seperti: Photoshop, GIMP, Fireworks.
- Mengerti konsep Web, HTML, JavaScript, lebih disukai mengerti B2B.
- Dapat menggunakan Dreamweaver, atau aplikasi webdesign lainnya.
- Pernah membuat situs Web.
- Menguasai database, terutama MySQL, Oracle.
- Mengerti beberapa Web Server, seperti Apache, IIS.
Online Application : Jobstreet.com
Web Selling Coordinator
(Jakarta Raya)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan
- Maksimal usia 35 tahun
- Memiliki pemahaman mengenai bagaimana berbisnis melalui IT Technical Infrastruktur
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang web selling minimal 2 tahun
- Memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi
- Mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan secara cepat dan dinamis
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk menjalin jaringan bisnis dan kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain
- Bersikap profesional serta memiliki entrepreneurship
Online Application : Jobstreet.com
Sales Counter
(Jakarta Raya)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Pria/Wanita
- Minimal D3 Tehnik ( Mesin/ Elektro)
- Maksimal 35 tahun, Fresh Graduate di Perbolehkan melamar
- Agresif, proaktif, dan mau bekerja dengan sistem ‘target’
- Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Online Application : Jobstreet.com