Lowongan BUMN Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN Tbk.)

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero), Tbk, better known by the abbreviations PGN or PGAS as naming for the stoke, is a state-owned enterprise that was established to distribute gas from oil and gas exploitation areas to users in industrial zones, and even to residential areas. To distribute the gas, the Company manages a network of distribution pipelines that extends from the drilling areas, more commonly known as gas/oil fields, to commercial zones, or to collection stations for loading onto transport vessels.
When PGN was founded in 1859, its core business was the distribution of gas to residential areas. In line with the times, gas distribution and gas transportation now form the core of PGN’s business. The Company’s operational area currently covers almost all of western and eastern of Java and northern of Sumatera and will soon extend throughout the entire territory of Indonesia.
For supporting our great improvement we, PGN need high talent and invite man/women of Indonesia to apply Qualification for :

  1. Senior Staff Perencanaan Korporat
  2. Senior Staff Strategi Bisnis
  3. Senior Staff Pengembangan Bisnis
  4. Senior Staff Pengendalian Portofolio
  1. Staff Penjualan
  1. Senior Staff Offshore Engineering
  2. Senior Staff Piping Engineering
  3. Senior Staff Mechanical Engineering
  4. Senior Staff Instrument Engineering
  5. Senior Staff Civil Engineering
  6. Senior Staff Pengawas Konstruksi
  7. Senior Staff Rancang Bangun
  8. Senior Staff Teknik dan Tekno Ekonomi
  9. Senior Staff Pembangunan
  10. Senior Staff Instrumentasi Integritas Fasilitas
  11. Senior Staff Mekanikal Integritas Fasilitas
  12. Staff Pengawas Konstruksi
  13. Staff QA / QC
  1. Senior Staff Pengembangan Kompetensi
  2. Senior Staff SDM
  3. Staff Remunerasi
  4. Staff SDM
LEGAL & COM      
  1. Senior Staff HukumPLIANCE
  1. Senior Staff GIS Engineering
  2. Senior Staff Perencanaan & Pengendalian Penyaluran Gas
  3. Senior Staff Operasi dan Pemeliharaan SCADA & Telekomunikasi
  4. Senior Staff Operasi dan Pemeliharaan
  5. Staff Inspeksi dan Pemeliharaan Jaringan
  6. Staff Kalibrasi Meter
  7. Staff Manajemen Informasi Jaringan
  8. Staff Operasi dan Pemeliharaan
  9. Staff Pengoperasian Offtake 
  10. Staff Gas Kontrol
  1. Staff Penyusunan dan Penetapan Anggaran
  2. Staff Anggaran
  3. Staff Keuangan
  1. Staff Gudang
  2. Staff Logistik
  1. Senior Staff Perencanaan dan Penilaian Aset

(1) Male, S1 Teknik Industri / Manajemen (2) Male, S1 Manajemen / Administrasi Bisnis (3) Male, S1 Teknik Industri / Manajemen / Administrasi Bisnis (4) Male, S1 Manajemen Keuangan / Akuntansi (5) Male/Female, D3 Teknik Kimia (6) Male, S1 Teknik Kelautan (7-8) Male/Female, S1 Teknik Mesin (9)  Male/female, S1 Teknik Fisika (10) Male/female, S1 Teknik Sipil (11) Male, S1 Teknik Mesin / Sipil (12) male/Female,S1 Teknik Mesin / Kimia / Sipil (13) Male/female, S1 Teknik Geodesi / Sipil (14) Male, S1 Teknik Sipil / Mesin (15) Male/female,S1 Teknik Kimia (16) Male, S1 Teknik Mesin (17&18) Male, D3 Teknik Sipil / Mesin (19) Male/female, S1 Teknik Industri / Manajemen (20) Male/female, S1 Psikologi (21) Male, D3 Perpajakan / Akuntansi (22) Male, D3 Manajemen (23) Male/female, S1 Hukum (24) Male/female, S1 Geodesi / Geografi Teknik (25) male, S1 Teknik Kimia (26) Male, S1 Teknik Elektro (27) Male, S1 Teknik Mesin / Elektro / Sipil (28 & 29) Male, D3 Teknik Mesin (30) Male, D3 Teknik Informatika / Manajemen Informatika (31) Male, D3 Teknik Mesin / Sipil (32) Male, D3 Teknik Elektro Industri / Mesin (33) Male,D3 Teknik Elektro (34 &36) Male/female, (35) Male, D3 Manajemen Keuangan / Akuntansi (37) male/female,D3 Manajemen / Administrasi (38) Male,S1 Akuntansi

  1. Minimum hold certificate/ijazah D3 / S1 as application will apply.
  2. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (GPA) Minimum
    a. 3.00 for Non - Eksakta major
    b. 2.75 for Eksakta major
  3. Maximum old (per 1 Januari 2011) :
    a. 28 years for Senior Staff position
    b. 25 years for Staff  position 
  4. Tidak memiliki istri/suami yang berstatus sebagai siswa PPSPCP, Calon Pekerja, maupun Pekerja PGN.
  5. Bersedia tidak menikah dengan sesama pekerja PGN atau salah satu pasangan yang menikah diminta untuk mengundurkan diri.
  6. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh Program Pendidikan yang diwajibkan perusahaan untuk menjadi calon pekerja selama 3 bulan.
  7. Willing to stationed at all over Operational PGN (if accepted in PGN) .
Only good qualification candidate will be contact for next selection test process. Announcement of Administration selection will be advertised on 28 September 2011 starting 16.00 WIB at  www.cdc.ugm.ac.id

For On-line application (filling the blank form) please click bellow: